新关注 > 信息聚合 > 来宾核心价值观现场会要求入脑入心 创新乡情宣传

来宾核心价值观现场会要求入脑入心 创新乡情宣传

The core values of the scene will ask the guests into the brain and heart of innovation

2015-11-03 23:32:41来源: 广西新闻网

现场推进会。广西新闻网记者 陶媛 摄 广西新闻网来宾11月3日讯(记者 陶媛)为进一步深入培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,11月2日来宾市召开现场推进会,总结交流经验,要求不断完善并建立健全宣传“十...

nostalgia propaganda site will promote. Guangxi news network reporter Tao Yuan photo Guangxi news network guests in November 3rd (reporter Tao Yuan) for the further in-depth training and practice of the socialist core values, in November 2nd Laibin City held a meeting to promote the exchange of experience, the requirements of continuous improvement and the establishment of sound propaganda "ten...