新关注 > 信息聚合 > 安帅:冬窗不买人也不卖人 皇马暂难比王朝米兰

安帅:冬窗不买人也不卖人 皇马暂难比王朝米兰

Ancelotti: winter window not buy or sell one real difficult to than the dynasty of Milan

2014-12-05 21:26:16来源: 网易

网易体育12月5日报道: 皇马将于本周末西甲对阵塞尔塔,当地时间今天,皇马主帅安切洛蒂出席了赛前新闻发布会,他在谈及备战情况之余还有强调,皇马没必要冬窗引援,届时也不会有谁离开伯纳乌。 《阿斯报》:安帅否认埃尔南德斯冬窗离队 安切洛蒂说:“目前球队的备战工作是认真而又专业的,我们有...

NetEase sports reported on December 5th: Real Madrid will be held this weekend to strike against CELTA, local time today, Real Madrid coach Ancelotti to attend the press conference, he talked about preparation while also emphasized, Real Madrid need not winter window options then, who will not leave Bernabeu. "Aspen": Shuai denied Hernandez winter window left Ancelotti said: "at present the team preparing for the job is serious and professional, we have...