新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全欧洲最火爆主场!26场比赛上座率高达99.88%


Europe's most popular home! 26 games attendance up to 99.88%

2016-05-15 01:28:19来源: 网易

网易体育5月14日报道: 北京时间5月14日晚21时30分,德甲联赛最后一轮,多特蒙德将在威斯特法伦主场迎战科隆。本场比赛的球票已经全部售完,而多特蒙德的主场上座率又创造了新的纪录,由此可见他们球迷们有多么狂热。 据多特蒙德官网统计,加上本周末这场满员的德甲联赛,本赛季多特蒙德一共踢...

NEW YORK, May 14 report: Beijing time on May 14 evening 21:30, the final round of the Bundesliga, Borussia Dortmund at home against Cologne in Westphalia. The game tickets have all been sold out, while Dortmund's home attendance also created a new record, we can see how they are fanatical fans. Dortmund's official website, according to statistics, with this full strength this weekend Bundesliga this season, Dortmund played a total of ...