新关注 > 信息聚合 > 如梦奇谭新增曲目 总共六场戏

如梦奇谭新增曲目 总共六场戏

A total of six new tracks like fantasy scene

2015-03-30 23:47:05来源: 17173

任务领取条件 1.玩家等级≥50级,队伍人数=5,队员均拥有对应剧目戏票方可开启任务。 2.购买戏票需要消耗150点副本积分。 3. 必须五人组队领取,且每一个环节必须有3个领取任务的玩...

task is to collect the 1 game player level is greater than or equal to 50, the team members have the corresponding number of =5, show tickets can open the task. 2 buy ticket costs 150 copies of integral. 3 must receive five teams, and each link must have 3 to receive the task...