新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《TOUCH舞动全城》4399官方交易平台火爆开启


TOUCH Dance City, 4399 official trading platform hot open

2015-03-13 14:37:52来源: 4399

好消息~《TOUCH舞动全城》的4399官方交易平台现在已经正式开启了,玩家们可以自由的在里面购买和出售自己的游戏号,具体的详情,小伙伴们一起来看下吧。 亲爱的玩家 为了丰富游戏店的游:戏种类,...

good news ~ TOUCH dancing City, the 4399 official trading platform has officially opened, players can freely buy and sell their own game, the specific details, small partners together to see. Dear players in order to enrich the game store tour: play types,...