新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京协和医院博士写了篇小说,竟把椎间盘突出讲透..


Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, Dr. wrote a novel and called intervertebral disc thoroughly publicize ..

2016-01-25 15:11:04来源: 光明网

元朝末年,天下大乱...... 阳顶天,明教第三十三代教主,武功盖世,他依仗权势而霸占强娶了成昆的师妹为妻,一时春风得意......几年后,阳教主偶然发现娇妻与外人有染,而此人竟然就是成昆!原来,被...

Yuan Dynasty, chaos ...... Yang Dingtian Mingjiao thirty third-generation leader, martial guise, he relied on the power and occupy strong ChengKun of junior sister apprentice married wife, sometimes a few too proud ...... years later, Yang Jiaozhu stumbled wife was having an affair with outsiders, and this person actually is ChengKun! It turned out to be ...