新关注 > 信息聚合 > 替补门将受伤曾诚提前复出 进入大名单或能出场

替补门将受伤曾诚提前复出 进入大名单或能出场

Goalkeeper Zeng Cheng injured early return to enter the list or to play

2015-04-06 23:33:38来源: 华体网

恒大亚冠备战训练 曾诚戴面具 ( 张亮 4月6日 茨城报道) 亚冠联赛第四轮小组赛即将打响,刚刚在中超联赛中打破本赛季不败金身的广州恒大挑战鹿岛鹿角,如果他们击败对手将提前出线。主教练卡纳瓦罗表示他派出现有的最强阵容,不会有任何保留,球队将力争全取三分。 恒大开赛以来就一直受到伤...

Hengda AFC Champions League readiness training Zeng Cheng mask (Zhang Liang April 6th reported Ibaraki) AFC Champions League League fourth round group stage is coming, just break the season unbeaten home record in the Super League Guangzhou Hengda challenge Kashima antlers, if they beat their opponents to advance to qualify. Coach Cannavaro said he sent the strongest team in the current, there won't be any reservations, the team will strive to take all three points. Rival since the opening has been hurt...