新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江苏:专科艺术类征求平行院校志愿(第1小批)(..


Jiangsu: College Art seek parallel voluntary institutions (the first batch) (..

2015-08-10 11:05:50来源: 中国教育在线

江苏省2015年普通高校招生高职(专科)批次艺术类征求平行院校志愿计划(第1小批)(音乐) 代号院校及专业名称计划数学制学费 本批为使用专业省统考成绩录取的省内外高校的艺术类专科专业,实行平行...

Jiangsu Province 2015 vocational college admissions (specialist) batch art seek parallel voluntary institutions plan (the first batch) (Music) colleges and universities code and professional title number system tuition the specialties of the art of using professional provincial exam admission scores of universities inside and outside the province, the implementation of parallel...