新关注 > 信息聚合 > 没想到!皇马圣斗士强势复活 全天下以为他要完蛋

没想到!皇马圣斗士强势复活 全天下以为他要完蛋

Did not think of! Real Madrid Saint strong resurrection world thought he was going to die

2014-12-17 20:06:26来源: 新浪

卡西就像是圣斗士,打不倒 卡西继续精彩的表现 新浪体育讯 皇马门将卡西利亚斯正处于甜蜜的状态中,“圣伊克尔”状态正佳,他连续用扑出点球的方式拯救球队,C罗强调了卡西扑出点球的重要性,而卡西利亚斯也承认,自己正迎来“职业生涯第二春”。 一两个月以前,卡西利亚斯在皇马的作用还备受争...

Casey like Saint Seiya, beat Casey to continue the wonderful performance of sina sports dispatch on the Real Madrid goalkeeper Casillas is sweet in the state, "Saint Iker" condition is just good, he continuously used saved penalty way to save the team, C Luo stressed the importance of Casey saved a penalty, but Casillas admits his occupation career, being in the "second spring". One or two months ago, Casillas at Real Madrid's role is controversial...