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没有守望先锋玩我要死了 盘点其他厂商同类游戏

No watch pioneer play I'm dying Inventory similar games from other manufacturers

2016-05-20 00:49:48来源: 新浪

免费测试前:守望居然不是免费的,辣鸡暴雪又在骗氪。 免费测试时:守望那么屎,腊鸡游戏别想骗我玩。 免费测试后:没有守望先锋玩,我要死了。 《守望先锋》简称OW,暴雪旗下第一人称射击类游戏。但是与普通的射击类型不同,OW同时融入了许多其他职业。每个职业拥有自己故事背景,游戏的世...

Free testing: before the watch is not free, spicy chicken blizzard and lying to krypton. Free testing: when the watchman so shit, dried chicken play games don't want to cheat me. After the free test: no watchman pioneer to play, I'm dying. The watchman pioneer "OW, blizzard flag first person shooter games. But unlike ordinary shooting type, OW into many other career at the same time. Every profession has its own story background, the game of the world...

标签: 游戏 守望先锋