新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不只是“脂粉”也有“硬汉” 侯勇带来《将军与士..

不只是“脂粉”也有“硬汉” 侯勇带来《将军与士..

Not just "powder" is also a "tough guy" Hou Yong bring "generals with disabilities ..

2016-02-08 00:18:18来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 今年的央视春晚并不仅仅只是歌舞小品,也有相当“硬汉”的节目,那就是由侯勇、句号、于恒等带来的《将军与士兵》,将中国军人的铮铮铁骨表现得淋漓尽致。 华龙网2月7日21时40分讯(记者 董...

Abstract This year's CCTV Spring Festival Evening not just dance pieces, there are quite a "tough guy" program, that is, by the Hou Yong, period, to bring the identity of "generals and soldiers," the Chinese military's firm and unyielding performance head. DragonSoft at 21:40 on February 7 (Reporter Dong ...