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冬病夏治 兰州市民扎堆做贴敷(图)

Winter disease treated in summer Lanzhou people get together and do paste deposited (Figure)

2015-07-04 06:52:03来源: 每日甘肃网

每日甘肃网讯 据兰州晚报报道(首席记者于永昭 文/图)暑热将至,三伏天即将来临。每年的七八月份,是中国传统中医“冬病夏治”的最佳时期。7月2日,金港城医院开展免费的“三伏贴敷”义诊,吸引了120多名...

Gansu Daily News Lanzhou Evening News reported (Chief Reporter Yu Yongzhao text / chart) summer is approaching, three dog days of summer is coming. Each year of the seven or eight month, is the Chinese traditional Chinese medicine "winter disease summer governance" of the best period. In July 2nd, the free "dog sticking out" golden city hospital clinic, attracted more than 120...