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组图:金贤重前女友曝光短信 对话似韩剧台词

Photos: Kim Hyun Joong former girlfriend exposure SMS dialogue like Korean lines

2015-02-26 22:37:12来源: 大众网

新浪娱乐讯 日前,金贤重前女友崔某接受了韩国某媒体的独家专访,提供了大量与金贤重的短信记录作证,证明二人已于去年底复合,而金贤重也从未怀疑过她怀孕的事实。 新浪娱乐讯 日前,金贤重前女友崔某接受了韩国某媒体的独家专访,提供了大量与金贤重的短信记录作证,证明二人已于去年底复合,而金贤重也...

Sina entertainment hearing a few days ago, Kim Hyun Joong former girlfriend Choi received a South Korean media to an exclusive interview with Kim Hyun Joong, provide a large number of messages recorded testimony, that two people were at the end of the composite, but Kim Hyun Joong never doubted her pregnant facts. Sina entertainment hearing a few days ago, Kim Hyun Joong former girlfriend Choi received a South Korean media to an exclusive interview with Kim Hyun Joong, provide a large number of messages recorded testimony, that two people were at the end of the composite, and Kim Hyun Joong...