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艳照门!艾弗森裸照现网络 一女子晒照曝光AI下体

Pornographic. Iverson nude network is now a woman sun exposure AI nakedness

2015-07-14 13:18:43来源: 网易

近日,网上曝出了前NBA巨星艾弗森的裸照,照片中确实是艾弗森本人,他正在睡觉,虽然上身穿着衣服,但照片中还曝光了他的下体…… 网易体育7月14日报道: 近日,著名的八卦网站mediatakeou...

recently, online to expose the former NBA star Allen Iverson's nude photos, photo is really Iverson himself, he is sleeping, although the upper part of the body to wear clothes, but photos also exposed her nakedness... Netease sports July 14th reported: Recently, the famous gossip website mediatakeou...

标签: AI