新关注 > 信息聚合 > 公安高校在广西招收1551人 6月底面试体检

公安高校在广西招收1551人 6月底面试体检

Public Security Colleges and universities in Guangxi recruit 1551 people by the end of June, interview and physical examination

2015-06-23 23:32:43来源: 人民网广西视窗

人民网南宁6月23日电 (张红璐、杨娜)2015年,7所公安普通高校计划在广西招生1551人。6月27日至7月2日,各校将在广西警察学院(原广西警官高等专科学校)长湖校区(南宁市长湖路6号)进行招生...

people net, Nanning, June 23 (Zhang Honglu, Yangna) in 2015, 7 public security college program in Guangxi enrollment 1551 people. On June 27 to July 2, schools will be in Guangxi Police College (the original Guangxi Police College) Long Lake Campus (Nanning City Lake Road No. 6) to recruit students.