新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大厂影视创意产业园再添“强援”


Dachang film and television creative industry park adds reinforcements

2015-07-23 10:43:24来源: 人民网

(注:此文属于人民网登载的商业信息,文章内容不代表本网观点,仅供参考。) 2015年7月22日-北京, 华夏幸福基业股份有限公司与北京电影学院举办战略合作签约仪式,共同在大厂潮白河经济开发区打造...

(Note: This paper belongs to the commercial information published by the people's daily, the content does not represent the net point of view, for reference purposes only. On 22 July 2015 Beijing, NewSun Co., Ltd and Beijing Film Academy held strategic cooperation signing ceremony, common in Dachang Chaobai River Economic Development Zone to build...