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陶晶莹晒老公半裸肌肉照 笑称准备扑倒他

Matilda sun half naked muscle according to the husband said with a smile to threw himself he

2015-08-10 10:18:18来源: 大众网

陶子老公李李仁 新浪娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,陶晶莹(陶子)和老公李李仁结婚10年,感情仍十分恩爱,2人三不五时就会在脸书晒恩爱。昨陶子在脸书晒照射闪光,秀出李李仁裸上半身清扫苏迪勒台风过后的枝叶垃圾,李李仁一身精肉加上6块腹肌,完全看不出已是一对儿女的爸爸,让网友惊讶直呼:“这是一个...

taozai husband liliren Sina entertainment news, according to Taiwan media reports, Matilda Tao (TAO) and her husband Li Liren married 10 years, feelings are still very affectionate, 2 people from time to time will in the face of the book sun loving. Yesterday Tao Zi in the face book sun irradiation light, show liliren naked upper body cleaning after the typhoon SOUDELOR foliage litter, Li Liren meat on a six pack, did not look completely is a pair of children's father, let a netizen call surprised: "this is a...