新关注 > 信息聚合 > 走进威虎山九寨景区 和杨子荣一起“穿越”回红色..

走进威虎山九寨景区 和杨子荣一起“穿越”回红色..

Entered Hushan Jiuzhai scenic and Yang Zirong along with cross back to the red..

2015-06-16 23:23:34来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 “天王盖地虎,宝塔镇河妖”,听到这句话,相信许多市民都会立刻联想到电影《智取威虎山》。近日,全国重点网媒龙江集中采访活动走进威虎山九寨景区,近距离感受杨子荣曾经战斗过的地方。 红色文化...

[Abstract] king of the earth tiger, pagoda town river monster ", hear this sentence, I believe many people will immediately think of the movie" Weihushan reversals ". Recently, the focus of network media Longjiang concentrated interview activities into the Jiuzhai Wei Hushan scenic, feel close to where Yang Zirong once fought. Red culture...