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新华网:足协改革 收权还应放权

Xinhua: Reform of CFA right should also be decentralization

2015-07-03 20:34:33来源: 新浪

蔡振华助威世界杯 新华社温哥华7月2日体育专电 新华社记者公兵 王浩明 女足世界杯期间,中国足协主席蔡振华“继续留在加拿大陪女足需要特批”的言论引发热议。作为中国足协主席,蔡振华陪女足一...

Cai Zhenhua cheer for the world cup, Xinhua news agency, Vancouver, July 2, sports news reporter of Xinhua News Agency male soldiers Wang Haoming FIFA Women's World Cup, the Chinese Football Association chairman Cai Zhenhua "to stay in Canada to accompany women need special approval comments sparked heated debate. As the Chinese Football Association President, Cai Zhenhua accompany women's football...