新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北控客场战平让出第二名 宝岛小将错失绝杀良机

北控客场战平让出第二名 宝岛小将错失绝杀良机

To make the second BeiKong away Formosa young miss dead opportunity

2015-08-23 13:37:43来源: 搜狐

本报讯(记者 王子轩)尽管主帅斯塔诺赛前已经表示昨天客战河北华夏幸福的目标就是3分,但是最终双方0比0互交白卷,其实从客场带回1分对于北控燕京而言也算得上是一个可以接受的结果。 周中足协杯1/4...

Report from our correspondent (reporter tzy-shyuan wang) despite manager, she has said before the game against the hebei huaxia yesterday happy goal is 3 points, but the final 0-0 draw on both sides, actually from the road back to 1 minute for BeiKong yanjing is also an acceptable result. Midweek fa cup quarter...