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桑德兰官方宣布主帅下课 上赛季曾杀进联赛杯决赛

Sunderland's official announced that the coach last season had reached the League Cup final

2015-03-16 23:03:15来源: 新浪

桑德兰官方宣布波耶特下课 新浪体育讯 北京时间3月16日,英超桑德兰俱乐部官方宣布,与主帅波耶特正式解约,桑德兰在周末的英超联赛中主场0-4遭维拉血洗,目前仅仅高出降级区1分,排名联赛倒数第4。...

Sunderland officials announced Poyet finishes class time of Beijing of sina sports dispatch on March 16th, the Premier League club Sunderland officials announced the formal surrender, and coach Poyet, Sunderland at the weekend in the Barclays Premier League home court was Vera 0-4, currently only 1 points above the relegation zone, ranking the League last fourth. ...