新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郑州财院培训教师 对口支援藏区职校

郑州财院培训教师 对口支援藏区职校

Zhengzhou school teacher training counterpart support Tibetan vocational school

2015-06-30 02:26:47来源: 大河网

本报讯(记者 赵文静 通讯员 王杰)昨日,西藏那曲地区职业技术学校的老师们来到郑州财经学院,开始了为期28天的暑期学习培训。 此次培训是郑州财经学院对口支援西藏那曲地区职业技术学校的第二批教师培...

report from our correspondent (reporter correspondent Zhao Wenjing Wang Jie) yesterday, Naqu of Tibet vocational and technical school teachers came to Zhengzhou Institute of Finance and economics, began a period of 28 days of summer learning and training. This training is the Zhengzhou Institute of finance Tibet Prefecture targeted aid occupation technical school second batch of teacher training...