新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雨果&外滩二十二号画廊联合打造达利艺术专场活动


Hugo & the Bund No. twenty-two gallery to create a joint Daly art activities

2014-09-12 23:51:01来源: 焦点房地产

梦想与现实 欲望、恐惧、困扰、焦虑这些复杂的情绪无时无刻不跟随在我们左右。如何将些无形的,形而上的意识形态表现出来?如何将梦境和现实中的种种纠结分开又联系起来? 出生在西班牙东北部一个小小渔...

dream and reality of desire, fear, distress, anxiety complex emotions such as every hour and moment not to follow us around. How will the intangibles, show the metaphysical ideology? How will all tangled dreams and reality in the separate and connect? Born in northeastern Spain a small fishing...