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售价3499元 nubia Z9工程纪念版今日上市

Price of 3499 yuan Nubia Z9 engineering commemorative edition listed today

2015-05-15 03:42:18来源: dospy智能手机网

本月初,nubia在北京举行新品发布会,无边框旗舰nubia Z9在这场发布会上正式发布。该机的最大亮点是采用了无边框设计,加入了类似夏普Aquos Crystal式的弯折处理,侧面部分通过光线折射...

earlier this month, Nubia in Beijing held a new conference, no frame flagship Nubia Z9 officially released in this conference. The biggest highlight of the machine is the frame design, joined the bending of a similar sharp aquos crystal type, side section with the light refraction.