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Pizarro: I knew melon handsome like Costa

2015-07-03 22:15:35来源: 华体网

前拜仁球员皮萨罗透露,他早就知道瓜迪奥拉有意签下科斯塔。 在接受采访谈到瓜迪奥拉时,皮萨罗毫不吝惜赞美之词:“对我来说,他是个特别的教练,作为一个战略家,他是我见过最好的,他教我们如何研究对手,这...

Bayern players Claudio Pizarro said. He knew Guardiola intend to sign Costa. In the interview when it comes to Guardiola, Pizarro without stint praise word: "for me, he is a special coach, as a strategist, he is the best I've ever seen. He taught us how to study the opponent, this...