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Shopping in the supermarket can open navigation

2015-06-22 09:28:01来源: 人民网

消费者在使用智能定位系统。(资料图片) 日前,法国家乐福首次采用飞利浦LED超市照明解决方案,向购物者的智能手机提供商品定位服务。采用飞利浦智能互联照明解决方案如同安装了室内GPS,可以将商品位置信息传送到智能手机上的应用程序(APP)。除照明装置本身,用户无需额外的硬件投资,并可节...

consumers in the use of intelligent positioning system. (picture) a few days ago, the French Carrefour for the first time using PHILPS LED supermarket lighting solutions, to provide goods and services to the smart phone. PHILPS smart Internet lighting solutions as the installation of indoor GPS, can be used to transmit the information to the commodity location on the smart phone application (APP). In addition to the lighting device itself, the user does not require additional hardware investment, and can be section...