新关注 > 信息聚合 > 幻速S6进行全国适应测试 将四季度上市

幻速S6进行全国适应测试 将四季度上市

Magic speed S6 were the world to test will be the fourth quarter of listed

2015-09-25 14:53:15来源: 爱卡汽车网


recently, reporters from Beiqi magic speed learned, Beiqi magic speed S6 at the beginning of the year has been completed the Heihe, Mohe area adaptability tests, in Western Chongqing automobile test field and Hainan test field of high strength test has just ended, is currently in southwest, South China, northwest, Xinjiang, Tibet and other places of National Road adaptability test. In this stage, Beiqi magic speed S6 in addition to Xinjiang volcanoland area test to challenge the surface temperature over the temperature of 70 DEG C, but also should be...