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Where is the Christmas date? Good at CO2

2015-12-21 23:52:41来源: 搜狐

你还在为不知道去哪约会而烦恼吗?还在为选环境还是选味道而费脑吗?来co2 coffee!好吃又有情调的圣诞大餐等你来! 位于七星路乐都汇的co2 coffee,它颜值超高的环境,精致美味的餐品,保...

you still do not know where to date and trouble? Is still in the choice of the environment or the taste of the brain? Come to coffee co2! Good and delicious Christmas dinner, etc.! Located in the Ledu Star Road exchange of CO2 coffee, it Zhichao Yan high environment, delicious food, paul...