新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杨幂:过去一年最大成就就是女儿小糯米


Yang Mi: the past year's greatest achievements is the daughter of small glutinous rice

2015-01-14 07:59:58来源: 中国新闻网

杨幂 斩获“年度影响力女性” 升级当妈之后,杨幂一直以辣妈造型亮相各大时尚活动,前日她身穿一袭优雅白裙出现在网易女性传媒大奖上,斩获了“年度影响力女性”大奖。接受采访时她表示,去年最大的收获就是成为一个母亲,“过去一年都没怎么工作,最大成就就是小糯米。” 产后身材恢复神速的杨...

Yang Mi won the "annual women of influence" upgrade when the mother after, Yang Mi has always been to hot mom modeling debut major fashion events, the day before yesterday she was wearing a white dress appeared in the NetEase elegant Female Media Award, won the "annual women of influence" award. The interview she said, last year the biggest harvest is to be a mother, "in the past year how didn't work, the biggest achievement is the small glutinous rice." Postpartum body recovery can be rapid poplar...