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诺天王14中10精准依旧 屡次被放翻战至最后一刻

Nowitzki 14 10 precision still has been repeatedly put to turn over to fight until the last moment Netease

2015-04-19 13:13:11来源: 网易

全场诺维茨基14投10中拿下24分8篮板,是小牛当之无愧的最佳球员,只是队友们无法给出有力支援,小牛遗憾输掉了第一场比赛。 网易体育4月19日报道: 小牛不敌火箭,老将诺维茨基依然是球队最为坚挺...

audience Nowitzki 14 shots in 10 with 24 points and eight rebounds, calf deserved the best player, just teammates could not give strong support, the calf regretted that lost the first game. Netease sports reported in April 19th: the Mavericks lost to the Rockets, the veteran Nowitzki is still the most strong team...