新关注 > 信息聚合 > 湖北省2015年考试录用公务员报考指南


Hubei Province in 2015 civil service examinations to enter oneself for an examination guide

2015-03-19 19:37:22来源: 新浪

1.本指南明确了湖北省2015年公务员[微博]考试的基本政策,考生报考前务必认真阅读,理解掌握有关政策要求和报名技术,根据个人实际情况,准确、客观、理性选报符合条件的职位; 2.湖北人事考试网、...

1. this guide made clear the basic policy of Hubei Province in 2015 civil servants [microblogging] exam, candidates must read carefully, understand and grasp the relevant policy requirements and application technology, according to the actual situation of individuals, accurate, objective and rational choose eligible position; Hubei personnel examination network,...