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沪媒:沪上德比史诗对抗 上海重回巅峰用奖杯说话

Shanghai Media: Shanghai Derby epic against the Shanghai back to the top with trophies to speak

2015-08-20 21:21:37来源: 网易

周力表示,“申花与上港的比赛,踢出了不能说是有史以来、但也是近年来足协杯的最高水平,堪称是一场史诗级的较量。” 网易体育8月20日报道: 申花与上港的足协杯1/4决赛荡气回肠,双方在90分钟内各入3球,而且进球粒粒精彩。最终,申花凭借点球大战笑到了最后。8月20日晚,上海五星体育频道...

Zhou Li said, "Shenhua and the port of the game, playing out the cannot be said to be history, but is in recent years the FA Cup at the highest level, called a epic battle." Netease sports reported on August 20: Shenhua and the Hong Kong FA Cup quarter finals soul stirring, both within 90 minutes into the 3 ball and goal particle wonderful. Finally, Shenhua on penalties to laugh. August 20th night, Shanghai five star sports channel...