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Model S续航新纪录:单次充电跑728公里

Model s life a new record: single charge run 728 km

2015-08-26 19:46:28来源: 中关村在线

据科技博客TechCrunch报道,日前,特斯拉双引擎、四轮驱动版Model S汽车的续航纪录再次被刷新:单次充电续航行驶里程达到了的452.8英里(约合728公里),刷新了此前423.5英里的续航纪录。报道称,尼兰德(Bj rn Nyland),这名来自奥斯陆大学的程序员,刚刚刷新了M...

according to techcrunch, recently, Tesla twin engine, four wheel drive version of the model s cars endurance record is refreshed again: a single charge endurance mileage reached among the miles (about $728 km), refresh the previous 423.5 miles endurance record. Reported that Nylander (RN Nyland Bj), the name of this name from University of Oslo, has just been refreshed M...