新关注 > 信息聚合 > 铁杆真粉丝!女主播视频直播将“EDG”纹在胸前


Hardcore fans! Anchorwoman, video broadcast will EDG lines in front of the chest

2015-10-19 20:41:07来源: 新浪

在《英雄联盟》八强赛EDG对战FNC还未开始,某游戏女主播发微博表示:“今晚无论输赢,我要把你们纹在胸前,现场直播,陪你们战斗,Fighting!!!”该消息迅速引来众多网友围观。 如今EDG已经确认落败,而该女主播也并未食言,在昨晚现场直播纹身! 晚间六点半,女主播准时在纹身工...

in league of legends tournament quarterfinals EDG battle FNC has yet to start, a game female anchor micro Bo said: "tonight whether you win or lose, I will put your lines in front of the chest, live, accompany you fight fighting!!!!" The news quickly attracted many users onlookers. Now EDG has confirmed that the female anchor is defeated, but did not renege on last night, a live tattoo! Half past six in the evening, the female anchor on time in the tattoo industry...

标签: 主播 直播 视频