新关注 > 信息聚合 > 狗狗眼睛对光线敏感 戴帅气墨镜出门散步

狗狗眼睛对光线敏感 戴帅气墨镜出门散步

The dog eyes are sensitive to light wear handsome sunglasses to go out for a walk

2015-04-18 21:15:56来源: 大河网

原标题:狗狗眼睛对光线敏感 戴帅气墨镜出门散步 据外媒报道,由于眼睛对光线敏感,4岁的拳师犬“Second Chance”平时出门都得戴着墨镜。图为2015年1月13日,“Second Chan...

original title: dog eyes are sensitive to light wear handsome sunglasses to go out for a walk according to foreign media reports, because the eyes are sensitive to light, the 4 year old boxer "Second Chance" usually go out to wear sunglasses. Chart for January 13, 2015, "Second Chan...