新关注 > 信息聚合 > “唐太宗教子尊师”传佳话(图)


"Tang Taizong Godson respect" story (Figure)

2014-09-10 23:28:59来源: 中工网

收藏于孔庙和国子监博物馆里的“万世师表”金匾 尊师重教,是中华民族的传统美德。早在古代,人们就把教师与天、地、君、亲并列敬仰。“天子、元帅、将军必有师”、“一日为师,终身为父”的训诫也是相传至今。 最早记载我国尊师重教的古籍应是《礼记·学记》。曰:“凡学之道严师为难。严师难后道尊...

collections in the Confucian Temple and the imperial Museum "the teacher for all ages" golden plaque honoring teachers, is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. As early as in ancient times, people put the teacher and the heavens and the earth, dear gentleman, parallel admiration. "The son of heaven, marshal, general must have teacher", "a teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime," sermon is legend still. The earliest recorded our respecting ancient books should be the "book of rites on learning". Said: "where the learning way taskmaster embarrassed. A difficult after the statue...