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大龄女星装嫩 50岁演少女

Older actress Zhuangnen 50 play girl

2015-08-18 21:49:56来源: 新华报业网

王珞丹饰演少女静秋 娱乐圈也有自己的一个生存规律,不亚于自然界的“弱肉强食,适者生存”了,对于女星而言,一个不老的容颜,曼妙的身段无疑是其成就事业,夺取观众眼球的一大利器!于是“嫩”才有市场,几...

Wang Luo Dan played girl static autumn entertainment also has his own survival rules, no less than the nature of the "law of the jungle, survival of the fittest", for the actress, a not old appearance, graceful figure is undoubtedly the success, capture the viewer's eye is a major weapon! So tender to have the market, a few..