新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《刀塔传奇》屠夫怎么获得?屠芙灵魂石获得方法


How can the butcher of the knife tower legend get? Tufu soul stone for obtaining

2015-06-13 23:50:33来源: TechWeb

刀塔传奇屠夫怎么获得?屠芙灵魂石获得方法是怎样的呢?首先刀塔传奇里的屠夫是妹纸,所以叫屠芙哦,她的灵魂石在哪换?在哪里可以得到呢?这就快来了解下吧? 刀塔传奇屠芙享有两种属性加成,享受剑圣的觉醒技...

turret legendary butcher how to get it? Tufu soul stone method to obtain what is? The first turret legend of the butcher is the sister, so called Tufu Oh, her soul stone where change? Where can I get it? Come on, come on, next? The turret legend Tufu have two kinds of bonuses, enjoy the Kensai awakening skills...