新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暗黑之光期末大拷问之你合格了没有


Light of the final big torture you qualified no

2015-01-14 16:28:37来源: 新浪

暗黑之光 CGWR 得分 CGWR:567 位 CGWR介绍 一年一度的期末考试即将来临,《暗黑之光》的游戏世界里也是如此。今天克里斯兰城的勇士们齐聚净化神殿,因为牧师长告诉大家,他给每个人出了一道问题。如果能回答得有理有据,就算通过可考试。合格者能够得到更多的圣水作为奖励,下面...

light of CGWR score of CGWR:567 bit CGWR introduced once a year the final exam is coming, "dark light" of the game world is so. Today the warriors Chris Lan City gathered in the purification of temple, because the priest long to tell everybody, he gave each of them a question. If you can answer a reasoned, even through the exam. Eligible can obtain more holy water as a reward, the following...