新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蓝色光标收购加拿大传播公司Vision 7 占股85%

蓝色光标收购加拿大传播公司Vision 7 占股85%

Blue cursor acquisition of Canadian Vision company 7 shares accounted for 85%

2014-12-16 19:02:57来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 12月16日消息,蓝色光标传播集团(300058)12月15日晚发布公告,收购北美传播巨头Vision 7,交易后蓝色光标预计持有Vision 7公司85%的股份。 Vision 7...

dispatch of sina science and technology on December 16th news, blue cursor media group (300058) late on December 15th announcement, the acquisition of North American Broadcasting giant Vision 7, after the transaction is expected to hold 7 blue cursor Vision 85% of the shares of the company. Vision 7...