新关注 > 信息聚合 > 环上海自行车系列赛嘉定新城站 50余支车队参赛

环上海自行车系列赛嘉定新城站 50余支车队参赛

Central Shanghai bicycle series Jiading metro station more than 50 teams participating

2015-03-07 22:36:31来源: 华体网

由上海市体育局、上海市体育总会、上海市自行车运动协会、上海市体育发展基金会主办的2015年上海市民体育大联赛 斯柯达HEROS中国自行车系列赛环上海—嘉定新城站今天在风光秀丽的远香湖畔隆重举行,这也...

by Shanghai Municipal Sports Bureau, Shanghai Sports Federation, Shanghai bicycle association, the Shanghai Sports Development Foundation sponsored the 2015 Shanghai residents sports league Skoda HEROS Chinese bicycle series ring Shanghai - Jiading metro station was held today in the far Xiang lake scenery, it also...