新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河南将建48个北斗基准站 一个控制中心及若干配套

河南将建48个北斗基准站 一个控制中心及若干配套

Henan built 48 Beidou reference station construction of a control center and a number of supporting

2014-12-05 16:28:26来源: 中国青年网

本报讯(记者宋敏)建设48个北斗基准站、一个系统控制中心、若干个相关配套项目。12月4日,包括上述内容在内,省国防科工局通过了对省地矿局测绘地理信息院“河南省北斗地基增强系统立项方案”的评审,标志着我省北斗产业发展迈出实质性的坚实一步。 据介绍,河南省北斗地基增强系统的建设,旨在通过...

newspaper news (reporter Songmin) 48 Beidou reference station, a system control center, a number of related projects. On December 4, including the content, and province, national defense science and Industry Bureau through the review of the Bureau of Geology and mineral resources, Institute of Surveying and mapping geographic information "Henan Province, compass foundation enhancement system project plan", marking the development of Beidou industry of our province has taken a solid step in the substantive. According to the introduction, Henan Province, the foundation to enhance the construction of the Beidou system, aimed at through...