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《天天向上》成龙赞房祖名被捕 应该每年回去坐半

"Every day" Jackie Chan Jaycee arrested should go back every year to sit half

2015-06-27 02:19:40来源: 华龙网

禁毒大使@成龙 参加#天天向上#国际禁毒日特辑。谈到去年因为涉毒入狱的@房祖名 ,成龙称儿子出来之后发生了积极的变化,“他做了很多多年没有做的事情,这半年他都做完了。”这让他感慨颇多,直言:“我说他...

anti drug Ambassador @ Jackie Chan in # every day # International Day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking episode. Talking about last year because of drug-related jail @ Jaycee Chan, Jackie Chan says son after the occurrence of the positive changes, he did the things that didn't do a lot of years, in the first half of this year he finished. " Which makes him feel a lot, bluntly: "I said he...