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The "sniper" hide and seek new play about adorable fun hits

2016-01-27 09:50:42来源: 一游网

还记得小时候,在那个电视机、电脑都不是很普及的年代,和三五小伙伴在午后一块儿玩耍。跳房子、丢手绢、老鹰捉小鸡、捉迷藏……无忧无虑,无拘无束,我们总能找到让自己快乐的小游戏。直到现在,无论是被学业还是被事业束缚的你,无不怀念那个时候自由自在的自己。 让小编印象最深刻的,就是捉迷藏,又叫...

Remember when I was young, in that TV, computers are not very popular in the era, and 35 small partners in the afternoon to play together. Hopscotch, diushou Juan, chicken, hide and seek...... Carefree, unrestrained, we can always find a little fun to make their own fun. Until now, whether it is the academic or the cause of the shackles of you, all miss that time the freedom of their own. Let Xiaobian the most impressive is the tag, also called...