新关注 > 信息聚合 > 嘉陵江畔有了豪华影城 陈廷嘉现身开幕仪式

嘉陵江畔有了豪华影城 陈廷嘉现身开幕仪式

Jialing River is the luxury studios Chen Tingjia appeared in the opening ceremony

2015-02-08 00:58:19来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 今(7)日,坐落于嘉陵江畔的重庆鼎龙达国际电影城正式开业,曾出演过《画皮2》等多部影视剧的女演员陈廷嘉现身开幕仪式。据了解,该影院采用目前世界分辨率最高、画面最清晰的4K放映技术,将为市民...

[Abstract] today (7), and is located in the Jialing River of Chongqing Longding of International Film City officially opened, has starred in "painted skin", such as the Department of drama of movie and TV actress Chen Tingjia appeared in the opening ceremony. It is understood that the theater uses the world's highest resolution, the most clear picture of the 4K projection technology, will be the public...