新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网传银行女职员点钞后未洗手染性病 专家称可能性..

网传银行女职员点钞后未洗手染性病 专家称可能性..

After counting network transmission female bank staff did not wash his hands stained venereal expert said the possibility..

2015-06-25 09:09:46来源: 荆楚网


report from our correspondent (reporter Yin MAO) recently online crazy pass a message: 30 year old Ali to city hospital gynecological examination, found that venereal. Accepts doctor enquired after the judgment: abstinence of Ali is a bank teller, because the job is busy, often after counting did not wash their hands on the toilet, is likely to is because the dye on the...