新关注 > 信息聚合 > 利拉德对全明星心灰意冷 放弃卫冕技巧大赛机会

利拉德对全明星心灰意冷 放弃卫冕技巧大赛机会

Lillard to give up all star downhearted defending skills competition opportunity

2015-02-03 15:52:51来源: 华体网

北京时间2月3日,波特兰开拓者队控卫达米安-利拉德在无缘西部全明星队之后心灰意冷,作为技巧大赛卫冕冠军,他决定放弃参加技巧大赛。 本赛季利拉德在个人第3个赛季里场均21.6分6.3次助攻4.6个...

Beijing time on February 3rd, the Portland trail behind the team guard Damian - Lillard in the missed the West all star team downhearted, as skills contest champions, he decided to give up to participate in the skills competition. Lillard of the season in the individual third season averaging 21.6 points and 6.3 assists in 4.6...