新关注 > 信息聚合 > 群租房困局仍待破题


Groups renting dilemma remains to essay

2016-06-16 06:26:55来源: 华龙网

近日,本报报道了《四室两厅,隔出了12间房》后,引起了很多读者和网友的关注。尤其对当事小区康都紫轩的业主们来说,业主群直接炸开了锅。 随着采访的深入,一些业主也向钱报记者透露了这个位于杭州城南的...

Recently, the newspaper reported that "Sishiliangting, separated out of the 12 room", the cause of the concern of many readers and users. Especially for district health are concerned Zixuan the owners, the owners of the group directly raged. With the in-depth interviews, some owners have money to newspaper reporter to disclose this in Hangzhou, south of ...