新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英特集团明日复牌 将全控英特药业

英特集团明日复牌 将全控英特药业

Intel group resumption tomorrow will be fully controlled inte pharmaceutical

2015-06-10 21:41:44来源: 东方财富网

英特集团(000411)10日晚间公告,深交所对公司重大资产重组的文件进行了事后审查,并出具了重组问询函,公司已就此对重组相关文件进行了完善和补充,公司股票6月11日复牌。 英特集团(000411...

Intel group (000411) on the 10th evening announcement, the Shenzhen stock exchange file of a major reorganization of assets were post review, and issued a recombinant inquiry letter, the company has this to restructuring related documents were perfected, the company shares June 11 resumption. Intel group (000411...