新关注 > 信息聚合 > 尚俊新:河北元航公司为老年人健康养生保驾护航


Shang Junxin: Hebei airlines for the elderly health escort

2015-05-13 18:38:15来源: 长城网

公司经营的保健产品。长城网 宿馨元 摄 记者:请您先简单介绍一下公司的整体情况。 尚俊新:河北元航生物科技有限公司作为河北省老年产业协会的一个常务副会长单位,旨在打造企业与企业、企业与消费者之间...

the Great Wall network company health care products. The Great Wall network Su Xinyuan photo reporter: would you please briefly introduce the overall situation of the company. Shang Junxin: Hebei Yuan Hang Biotechnology Co. Ltd. as an executive vice president of Hebei province elderly Industry Association unit, to build the enterprise and enterprise, between enterprises and consumers...